Ed Sheeran Tour (Hangzhou)
Miracle Night
Miracle Night
WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux) is a brilliant feature of Microsoft Windows that allows for using a Linux environment without the need for a separate virtual machine or dual booting. Three years ...
不知不觉居然到了 2024 年的最后一天。学习和生活方面其实没有什么好总结的,大约还是在继续摸索适合自己的节奏。不过去年 pick 了一个蛮有趣的小习惯,今年可以说是逐渐从入门到精通了,干脆写一篇文章总结一下个人的经验吧。 记账小白,小试牛刀 最初我开始记账也并非是源于什么契机,也只不过是觉得这是一个比较“有涵养”的高门槛习惯。平铺直叙地说,我并不是因为需要监控自己的消费习惯,或者培养某...
My personal classification for programming languages. Strong/weak typing and dynamic/static are two orthogonal factors for programming languages. I did not rank for languages in the sa...
!One day, I found my shell history file is polluted by some program. This blog describes how I found the culprit and tried to tweak Tramp.
Background Today I’m trying to adapt my jinx.el configurations for Nix. Jinx.el leverages libenchant, a general interface for various spelling libraries like GNU Aspell, Hunspell, to provide power...
I used to be enthusiastic about Shell builtins: history(3), readline(3), find(1) … Although they are not intuitively designed, I believe that every programmer should learn about these traditional, ...
Use Python's standard logging library.